Malay Wedding Customs

i.          Henna Night    

Both The Bride and bridegroom will wear their wedding dress. On the night after the solemnization of wedding. The bridegroom will come to the bride’s house escorted by the rebana players. Henna ceremony will be lead by the bridegroom who sits on ‘pelamin’. The whole family will take turns putting a drop on henna  on the palm of the bridegroom followed by sprinkling the roses water. The bride will then take her place to be put henna after the bridegroom had finish his.

ii.         Clothimg/ Dresses

Malay wedding dresses are mostly their traditional clothing which is kebaya for the bride and baju melayu for the bridegroom. These traditional clothing for wedding are mostly made of songket. Light coloured clothing such as white, pearl white, cream, light blue, silver, and pink are most popular one that the darker striking colours.

 Songket Dress