Monday, February 21, 2011

Introduction of Marriage Malay

            Do you have to meet a compatible partner with you? For the engaged or will be called the king of day, there are many taboos to be followed. In the Malay community, as well as wedding day set, meaning began to be taboo for the bride. What set should be followed for the good of themselves. The Malays are known for high customs have certain practices for the benefit of all parties. It is not a duty but a culture of the Malay community. While brides and grooms today are rarely practiced rule, no loss if is not follow.Tabooos are traditional Malay Beliefs associated with past custom and culture of our fathers. Most tehe taboos down orally down. Taboos elders to educate people especially the younger generation to be brought to the application of good values that can be practiced in life.  

1.0 Definition of taboo

            Taboos are meant simply consist of a belief that since man is born until the man was an adult, and eventually died. This taboo is to be divided into taboo words, position, course, and residential works. The issue of abstinence This act is prohibited, especially if it triggers a variety debate on the Islamic perspective. This because there are many taboos that reality is so contrary to Islamic law. This discrepancy occurs because most of these taboos contains elements that touched on the faith of Muslims, while the question of faith in Islam is a matter of concern and taken seriously. This is because, almost most of the customs and taboos related to the Malay community is synonymous with the Hindu religion. This has always had a special relevance because according to historical sources, any community in Malaya before the 15th century  Hindu belief than animism. However, after the advent of Islam, the Malay community when such practices conform to the teachings of Islam. There are various theories concerning the coming of Islam in the Malay Archipelago. Some say that Islam was brought from the earth other than India who say religion is taken from the Arabic and Persian. However, most of the orientalists have concluded that the Malay Muslims in the soil brought from India. The first people who said such things are Pijnappel who is a professor of Malay studies first at the University of Leiden. He argued that the spread of Islam in the Malay Archipelago is made up of Arabs bermazhab Syafii of Gujarat and Malabar. This because there are places mentioned in history books of the Malay Archipelago.However, the text Sulalatus Salatin, or more commonly known by the term Malay History also says that the preachers who circumcise Arabic ethnic government of Malacca. Preachers are known by the name of Sayid Abdul Aziz. Islam would eventually lead to the Islamization of beliefs and cultural patterns of Malaya at that time. According to Tom Pires, the process of Islamization is valid in peace by Muslim traders who married local women, as the entry and spread of Hinduism in Malaya. Although, to date, many scholars question the extent the practice of the Malays at that time in line with Islamic teachings while most of the practices of the Malay community when it was still in conflict with Islamic teachings, especially the aspects of faith. The proof, just look at the various customs and taboos of Malay that is still practiced today

2.0 Types Of Taboos

            Do not go out with a couple for 40 days before consent answered in order to avoid accusations of society. In addition it seeks to control the appetite. It is also to be feeling nostalgic revenge. Feelings that arise will make the bride look more radiant. Do not sleep in the houses hit by the fear of science. It is also to maintain the good name of the family.  Do not free to go out anywhere because they are afraid made for person have bad intentions. Do not eat rice with curry gravy before ascending the throne a few months to avoid a distended stomach. 

Avoid eating salads that smell like soaking. Do not reflect on, especially after sunset to avoid being affected by magic. Do not urinate and defecate in the water simultaneously sampled in the river, the pits because it can weaken the sex organs. Avoid drinking water containing gas as it has sugar and high gas and can cause diabetes. Eat less foods that are sweet as if hit by diabetes, men will face the problem together. Avoid bath night for no good for the joints. Control of food to eat each day (according to some customs). Men to avoid wearing tight underwear at night and sleeping on the stomach because of no good to sex organs because the blood does not flow. Avoid eating too much seafood as it contains many toxic. Three months before getting married, start a thread so that the bride has enough energy to prepare. Eat free-range chicken eggs twice a week mixed with honey and ground pepper for added energy. 

            For those who do a lot of wind, water to drink ginger to expel air. Households learn from the experience and have been married about a secret that lured her home in peace. Do not indulge his own way.  Compensate the time sleep seven to eight hours a day.Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking. Avoid sunlight for fear of black and shining on the wedding day. Avoid drinking soy because it is cold and not good for the genitals. Eat food that herbal wedding night did not disappoint. Plenty of reading in order to avoid disruption of the devil. Always remember Allah. Do not eat because when sojourning in the internal systems are not stable.  Do not be too exposed to the family of man (save yourself). 

Do not dew or out at night to avoid bad elements. Do and hair cut a week before the consent granted. If you are married can not hang together. After the marriage must have slept before  together. It seeks to spark the romance. Non-male or female should not be vacated. There must be a person or immediate family members sleep in to avoid betrayal. Do not do heavy work because when the bride makes heavy work, he will easily feel tired and emotional disturbance. Keep the speech so as not to cause liver pain. Avoid eating and drinking, such as vegetables are cool, such as kale, spinach, cucumber, guava and coconut water for the face looks fresh. Do not be afraid to remove eyebrow razor serial interface. Before the wedding, bed sex cannot be slept by the bride for not sweet. Throwing clothes on the roof of the house without the knowledge of others to avoid rain during the ceremony. Forbidden view mirror when make up due to fear of missing the series. Both bride and groom are prohibited from talking while sitting room is seen as less sweet. Do not eat chicken necks later feared head of the sitting crooked. Prohibited from throwing an eye brow because the act would eliminate the series for the groom's face. Avoid going out without a destination wedding by the bride suspected of having an accident if outside.

3.0 Conclusion

            Obviously, Islam is not a burden on the religious adherents in the current browsing this life. Islam is simply a religion that was reealed to all types of people who are on this earth. Therefore, Islam never prohibits its followers from practicing the art and culture inevery nation. However, it should be undersood that each practice must be consistentin practice and in line with Islamic law. The same is the case with the issue of marriagein the Malay community. It can be done and practiced as long as it against our faithand Islamic law.

Ritual after bersanding (bridegroom sitting of state)

The Costom Of The Malay’s Weeding

1.Mandi Berlimau 
(ceremonial bathing after marriage).

Before bathing ceremony, in the early moning, after the night of consummation, the emak pegantin asks the bridegroom for concrete proof of the bride’s virginity. The bridegroom customarily hand over a white handkerchief which bears the required evidence.The emak pengantin then shows the handkerchief, first to the parents of the bride, abd then most important of all, to the parents of the bridegroom. Proof of the bride’s virginity was of utmost importance to Muslims generality.  It was so important that its absence always gave rise to great trouble that often resulted in and immediate divorce. Although the adapt is less widely observed today there are still a good number of Malays who instist on the practice[1].

picture of ceremony mandi berlimau 

materials such as beluru, leaf limau purut, limau nipis for 'mandi berlimau'

·       After both the groom’s and the bride’s parents have been fully satisfied as to the purity or “honour” of the bride, the mandi-mandi ceremony can take place.The husband and wife are again dressed in their best attire and seated again on the pelamin before a group of guests from among the relatives, neighbours and close friends of both the families of the groom and the bride. After sitting thus for ten to fifteen minutes. They are led down and seated on a bench or two chairs in a hall or room in the house, where the token ceremonial bath is carried out by the emak pegantin. It consists of sprinkling both the groom and the bride with water of sintok (bark of tree, used for cleaning hair) and limau purut (medicinal lemon). After the ceremony has been completed, the groom leads the bride back to the bridal chamber, each holding on one end the bridal chamber, each holding on to one end of the handkerchief.The sarong used by both the husband and wife in the ceremony are given away to the emak pegantin, not only as gifts but as tolak bala and buang geroh (repelling misfortune and harm).That was the adat that used to be observed and adhered to, but these days the whole mandi-mandi ceremony is being discarded by most malays, particularly those in the urban areas, though in the rural areas it is still practised by the die-hards[2]

2.0      Sambut-menyambut  
(the bride’s first visit to the groom’s home and her return to her own home).

·        On the day of the bathing ceremony a kenduri is held in the bride’s house. Meanwhile her husband and his parents take her on her first visit to their house.There another feast or kenduri is held, to which some hundreds of men and women are invited. Sometimes day and night entertainment of local music and dancing, such ad ether joget and makyong or both are held to entertain the bride. After remaining for a few days in her husbands house, the wife accompanied by her husband and her husband and her own parents, returns to her house, where the couple will live, at least for a few months[3].

[1] Alwi bin Sheikh Alhady, Malay Customs and Traditions, 1967, Donald Moore Press Ltd, Singapore. 1967, Hlm 46.
[2] Ibid, Hlm 47.
[3] Ibid, Hlm 48